Public Works Department
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Deparment head placeholder photoGuy GeversPublic Works Director
200 West Booneslick
(636) 456-3535 x242
(636) 456-8135
Deparment head placeholder photoJohn LeachPublic Works Project Manager
200 West Booneslick Rd.
636-456-3535 x224


TOGETHER WE CAN provide safe and adequate drinking water, maintain the infrastructure of the City water, sewer and streets to provide an excellent quality of life for the citizens of the City of Warrenton.

The City of Warrenton Public Works Department is responsible for the City water mains, water towers, wastewater treatment plant, sewer lift stations, sewer mains, city streets, signs, sidewalks, storm drains, and locating city owned utilities.

To report a problem, you can call the Public Works Department at 636-456-3535. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If you have an emergency after normal working hours, a directory menu will prompt you to leave a voicemail with the responsible department who will address the situation as soon as they are available. PLEASE be sure to include your name, contact phone number, and the address or location of the problem.  

Report a problem online

Water and Sewer Services

The City of Warrenton produce 317,566,020 gallons of water in 2018, an average of 870,043 gallons per day. This is about 41% of the engineer's defined production capacity of the system. The City maintains 4 deep wells, 6 water storage tanks, and 2 booster stations with a total storage capacity of 2,450,000 gallons of water. Water loss has been reduced from 28% in 2015 to 13% in 2018 through prompt repair of water leaks, replacement of aging infrastructure, and through the City's Water Meter Replacement Program.

The Water Meter Replacement program has a goal to maintain all meters to be under 15 years of age to ensure proper metering. Old meters are replaced by the City at no cost to the owner. Since 2015, 823 water meters have been replaced, which is 24% of 3,400 water meters monitored each month. 

The City sends 9 water samples each month to the DNR Laboratory in Jefferson City for testing. These samples are taken from random locations throughout the City. The Warrenton Water Department also has a Backflow Prevention ordinance and Wellhead Protection Program in place to help ensure the production of safe and quality water to our customers.

Water Quality Report 2020 

Report A Problem

Water Meter and Service Line Leaks

The Warrenton Water and Sewer Department’s policy is that the customer is responsible for their own system. The amount of water that goes through the meter will be billed to the customer for water and sewer charges. The Customer can check for leaks in their own system. There is a small red triangle on the face of the meter that is called the leak indicator. You need to make sure every faucet/water supply in the house is off (washing machine, faucets inside and outside, toilets, etc.)   Then look on the face of the meter at the leak indicator. You will have to watch this for at least 10 minutes. If you see any movement in the leak indicator, or if the number changes on the register, you have a leak.  The customer is responsible for sewer service lines at the property line or easement line; where the stop box and clean-out should be located. If you should have problems with either water or sewer from that point in, it will be for you, or the property owner to repair. The Warrenton Water and Sewer Department only maintains from those points out, as well as water and sewer mains. If the water meter breaks due to negligence such as freezing, you will be billed for the cost of a new meter.

Report A Problem


The City of Warrenton maintains approximately 75 miles of city streets within the corporate limits. Questions or comments regarding streets, a missing street sign, or have a pothole complaint, please call the Public Works Office at 636-456-3535 or click link: Report A Problem

Snow Route FAQ
Snow Route Map
How to Clear Your Driveway

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Located at:

225 Willow Road Warrenton, MO 63383 Phone: (636) 456-3535

The City of Warrenton owns and operates a Multiple Loop Reactor (MLR) oxidation ditch type activated sludge plant. The plant is rated for 3.2 MGD (million gallons per day) and went online in the fall of 2004. It is currently operating at approximately 1.4 MGD.   Biosolids from the plant are treated in aerobic digesters and then land applied to surrounding agricultural ground.

A parallel sewer main installation on the east side of town ensures residents' sewer service is adequate to meet current needs as  well as accommodate future city growth.

In 2018 the treatment plant operated at an average of 44% of the total capacity. By utilizing the sewer main flushing truck and camera system, City crews inspected and flushed approximately 93,453 feet or 28% of the system. This ongoing preventive maintenance ensures that the sewer system continues to work effectively and significantly reduces sewer back up occurrences.

Additional major infrastructure improvements including the incorporation of a parallel sewer main serving the west side of the City are planned for continued system improvement and in preparation of future City growth.

Miscellaneous Information

Storm Water Control Evaluation $100.00 (per acre or fraction thereof)

Storm water fee waived in developments where a City of Warrenton approved storm water control plan is available.

Construction Water Usage Fee $25.00

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